Beyond Words

Today marks the 14th anniversary of my favorite Japanese band, Do As Infinity. I’ve been their follower since my early teens and their music never fails to amaze me still. Their music can be really magical and their choice of words are just deep and full of meaning. I’ve decided to re-watch some of their music videos and came across this one, Hiiragi (meaning “Holly” in Japanese). I have been once again enlightened by the power that art forms such as music bring to us by reading through the comments shared by users on the video. It is a reminder of something that I am glad to remember in turbulent times like this. 🙂 There exists a connection or that something within us that words simply fail to describe – something unfathomable, something that seems to be beyond what our human minds can comprehend. Despite all the clutter we find ourselves in, I hope we never forget that unfathomable element of our humanity. 😉