Beyond Words

Today marks the 14th anniversary of my favorite Japanese band, Do As Infinity. I’ve been their follower since my early teens and their music never fails to amaze me still. Their music can be really magical and their choice of words are just deep and full of meaning. I’ve decided to re-watch some of their music videos and came across this one, Hiiragi (meaning “Holly” in Japanese). I have been once again enlightened by the power that art forms such as music bring to us by reading through the comments shared by users on the video. It is a reminder of something that I am glad to remember in turbulent times like this. 🙂 There exists a connection or that something within us that words simply fail to describe – something unfathomable, something that seems to be beyond what our human minds can comprehend. Despite all the clutter we find ourselves in, I hope we never forget that unfathomable element of our humanity. 😉

Up for some blog tag :)

I’ve been tagged by fellow blogger Izcentric for.. well, a game of blog tag! :p So here it goes…

Q.  Have you ever been made redundant from your job and how did you feel about it?

A. Well yeah, and now I’m unemployed. :p

Q.  If you were interviewing someone for a writing job, what 3 qualities would you look for and why?

A. One must be whimsical, striking and curious 🙂

Q.  What is your favorite board game and why?

A. I don’t really have a favorite board game? But I remember crying my heart out as a kid during one game of scrabble, 😀

Q.  When you look at the stars, what do you see?

A. I see that they took so long to reach me… 😉

Q. When you look at the ocean, what does it remind you of?

A. Well, it reminds me of how there’s an entire world under that immense space.

Q.  How do you overcome writer’s block?

A. Nah,  I don’t encounter “writer’s block” that often. I just start writing whenever my ideas flow out of my head.

Q.  If you could say 3 encouraging things to another person, what would they be?

A. a) Look up.

     b) Look around.

     c) Cheer up?

Q.  Do you prefer to write your stories/books/poetry/prose/articles on paper first, then type them up and edit them, or do you like to type them straight into your computer to edit?

A. I prefer either way. Whatever would be the most practical.

Q.  Do you like writing in one genre or more?

A. More, I guess. Diversity is exciting :p

Q.  As a writer, do you think actions speak louder than words?

A. Not necessarily. Pity those who are awkward in person.

Q.  What is your favorite quote and why?

A. “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.”

stoked for the weekend :]

stoked for the weekend :]

I’m saying hello to a gentle giant just like the one pictured above this weekend! I’m pretty much excited, this is gonna be one heck of an adventure! 😀

photo from:

A Checklist :]

Boredom struck and then I found myself listing things that I would want to accomplish before I say ta ta for now to this corporate life.

Some more items are to be added later on, most likely. 🙂 For now, I’ll let myself be reminded of this checklist of things to do while I am still employed:

[ ] Make walking around IT Park during my 1 hour break a daily late afternoon habit. – slowly fulfilling this one. 😉
[✓] Tour more than two nearby cities/towns. Current progress:

  • Traveled to the northernmost part of the Cebu province, reached Bogo City and then rode a boat to Kalanggaman Island, Palompon, Leyte.
  • Spent two days and one night with my previous team at Bunzie’s Cove at Tabogon.
  • Travelled to the southern part of the province last year with some family members, got to visit the famous site of worship at Simala in Sibonga.
  • We dropped by Carcar City as well when we were on our way back to Cebu City and bought a lot of their known pasalubong items such as chicharon and ampao. 🙂

           – Wow, I am blessed to have gone to all these places already.

             More are yet to come! 🙂
[✓] Form friendships with co-leagues especially teammates.
[ ] Finish 5 digital paintings.
[ ] Find out where the best-tasting banoffee pie is being sold at here in the city.
[ ] Be able to at least say “Hi” to my crush at work. 😆
[ ] Buy a simple camera with good specs (blimey, it doesn’t have to be a DSLR, :P).
[ ] Go to thrift stores more often 🙂
[ ] Visit Casa Gorordo
[ ] Go to at least 5 Spanish era churches that I’ve never been to (may be found in the city or in a nearby town). – 2 out of 5Carcar City’s colonial church (wasn’t able to get in though because there was an ongoing funeral service when we went there, sad :(), Basilica Del Sto Niño (went there last May 2011 with my family ;))
[✓] Attend a rock concert. – was fortunate enough to watch Ely Buendia last January 20 for his Sinulog concert at Cebu City Coliseum 😉 I’m still having my fingers crossed, hey I might be watching Incubus in concert some time soon! (dream on! :lol:)


after several other blogs, I come up with yet another one! *crosses fingers, hoping that this wouldn’t be just like my other abandoned blogs xD*

May this blog help me keep a record of a lot of memories and emotions just like my other online journals. Hmmmmnn.. Nothing much to explain here as of yet.

Sooo… let the randomness begin, I guess. 🙂